Welcome to FrankGaard.com

Welcome to the new home for Frank Gaard's online gallery and blog.



The portraits are the largest category and they do not record all the pictures,some just vanished, some were sold before they were photographed an accurate accounting may never exist.The quality of the jpgs vary many are not good save as a documentary item. Some of the earliest portraits are on… Read More


The first iteration of my web site was full of sexual images, while this new version contains fewer sexual images this material goes back to the lil' magazine MAN BAG that  my partner Stu Mead and I produced in the late 1990's. Man Bag was an underground success and it helped us both to have a… Read More


This site is a look at what I have on jpgs, it's far from everything I've made, it's more contemporary but alot of important works are absent. My work seems to divide between early and later and the digital technology did'nt exist until recent times. I only say this as a sort of warning that you… Read More


When young all seems comprehensible, the world we live in is circumscribed by our knowledge and the less we know the more we seem to know. But we are so attractive  and direct. My experiences with art schools were not good, I had hoped for more, but maybe I was deluded. I'd been in an art… Read More


Sam moved to Boulder Colorado with his companion Sara this week leaving me to keep our new web site running smoothly. Sam has been very generous in helping me have a web presence for my art.

I've been active since the mid-1960's, Iwas born in Chicago and went to art school there @ SAIC. I… Read More