Welcome to FrankGaard.com

Welcome to the new home for Frank Gaard's online gallery and blog.



First it was a very complicated  situation and I without the memory I once possessed am only able to give a sketch. I did the first double page cartoon Artpolice Comics in 1974, the first issue of Artpolice is a broadsheet with cartoons on the back by Joe McDonnell and Fritz and a text piece by… Read More


My mother was my first teacher and in most ways my best. She grew up on a farm in the upper penisula of Michigan during the Depression in a community that spoke mostly Finnish. Finnish is a language that is very difficult almost an Asian language. The Finns came to Northern Europe from Mongolia… Read More


Freud helped me understand that death had some positive aspects. Of course like life insurance you don't get the pay off. So we have this short life or sweet spot where we do our art, til arthritis do us part. To be square I'm an artist who paints, draws and writes. Not the mere painter I once… Read More




I met Kathy Halbreich when Liz Armstrong was doing Duchamp's Leg an exhibition about Duchamp's influence  that's when Liz called me a Duchamp Expert… Read More


Philippe Vergne in NYTimes today brilliant and practical.

Kathy Halbreich started a Sigmar Polke Hedge-fund and it's making money hand over foot. Who knew Polke was so fabulous and great? I hear an ancient voice in the rear of the auditoritum saying Polke is a copy cat. But me average… Read More