Welcome to FrankGaard.com

Welcome to the new home for Frank Gaard's online gallery and blog.



 A friend of mine who had stored a bunch of my student art in Chicago moved to New York and threw this work in a dumpster. I didn't mind this as it was work that wasn't relevant anymore but it does remind us that art can have a less than lovely destiny at the landfill. I've heard many artists… Read More


We have a point in our childhood when we start to have sexual feelings even desires. It makes baseball seem so childish compared to skirt chasing. I was in a high school art's program left over from the Smith-Hughes Act a war time measure to help vets with high school by making high school more… Read More


How Joseph Beuys ex-Hitler Youth stole my blackboard and sold it for a million dollars.The artschool could have used the million dollars but they didn't even get to dip their beak in this sale , Beuys business practices were very Tuetonic {SP>?} German.The  Arab guy at the Dairy Store says… Read More


October 27, 2009 - I was thinking about several things, what is it about rich artists that makes me puke? It's the financing. Sigmar Polke has a lot of financing, his work looks rich and fancy. Same for Damien Hirst and his diamonds. The business of art is very much a business of the swells, the… Read More


Saw the new Keats movie really seemed like the Fanny movie but that's Jane Campion always giving the woman's viewpoint.Point here being the necessity of language skills for visual artists.After years of studying Nietzsche I found poetry. I remember thinking it had an economy that escaped most… Read More