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Welcome to FrankGaard.com
A young man was pleading with me for sex in art school. As if I had it, sex that is. My strange adventures in the Land of Hebrew Princesses and Human doormats begins with Miss Jaffe my 8th grade teacher who though she was a Jew her hair was bright red like fire. She was rather voluptuous… Read More
Pamela and I just had some delicious Mid-Eastern Cuisine next out of the parking lot and driving by my window full of art you know it's art because you don't know what it is. Those could be artist's names (Yves Klein, Sigmar Polke, Duchamp I've heard of him isn't he the one who invented Joke… Read More
Mike Kelley is a public figure I learned on the Facebook his id photo is the young Mike pic that was inside the Sonic Youth cd fold out he designed it seemed Mike mid-1990's. I always felt a fold over between Mike and the band in those days, a collaborator like with Jim Shaw… Read More
Call Smuda - procrastinating - I was thinking about how many shows I'd been in since 1966, no idea everytime I add new shows to my resume old shows are coming off the end. It's pointless, and what have I learned? Not much I'm afraid, it's a practice which often never or once in a long while.I… Read More