Pamela and I just had some delicious Mid-Eastern Cuisine next out of the parking lot and driving by my window full of art you know it's art because you don't know what it is. Those could be artist's names (Yves Klein, Sigmar Polke, Duchamp I've heard of him isn't he the one who invented Joke Art? But Alexander Pope hmm a 17th century poet who wrote odes in couplets Franky says Alexander Pope? It's not about meaning it's about flavor.
What becomes of our broken down old dudes who were educated sophisticated and medicated? Actually the piece is a homage to Sigmar Polke who I have a decidedly love-hate thing going on with, and it's worse now that I know Kathy Halbreich is working on a huge Polke show for the MoMA and she honestly loves his work, calls him the Great Inventor. Whilst Franky is a bit hot and cold on Herr Polke. Though I respect his art indeed I've been inspired by his art and his persona{ to make some of my most hilarious post-modern artist's erotic cartoons}. But as well I admire his huge success it's too bad he died but that is the destination for we tourists. When Polke was at the Walker in 1994 he hung out back stage with his asigned curator helper , it was as if he never was here. It was the show with his lantern watercolors and his Jeeps his big beige Jeeps. I gave a little spiel in the gallery and it devolved to the money and support involved in Polke's project; the economics are sort of embedded in the painting constructions. Ad Reinhardt used to write and say that no art work should look rich or poor but in balance. Economical and you need to demonstrate your proposition and not a penny more. To me the Polke art just looked too rich too invested too damn much material of the best type. Of course I was penniless then living I'm not sure how and selling my art for whatever I could get. Your teeth rot your hair white your stomach is never full and the only person who calls you is the landlady. Whilst Herr Polke is the uber kunstler, the miracle of Late Capitalism in German Art. YADA YADA!