Welcome to the new home for Frank Gaard's online gallery and blog.
Welcome to FrankGaard.com
Lately I think about life as a tour and as you age you start your farewell tour before you vanish forever.
I've lost alot of friends along the way, I had a psychiatrist Dr. Coldmorning ( he saw me for free and gave me my lithium for free )anyway he told me how Bi-Polar people have… Read More
Don Judd is the new Henry Moore. Everyone seems to think highly of the late Don Judd's sculpture. Like Henry Moore the general opinion rates Judd as best of his age, though some folks like myself feel his sculpture functions more like formalist abstract geometric painting than like a sculpture… Read More
Of course that was mid 1970's the talking with Dr Hopps. Correspondence between us is in Smithsonian Files from National Gallery - a slim manila posterity with me and the man who loved Marcel Duchamp's art so much - Hopps did the first American one person show of Duchamp at Pasadena Museum of… Read More
Lived for many years just a couple blocks from the Lake Street Kmart. My kids grew up there too. I worked at the art school for many years as an apologist for elitist modern art and for the fading Give Peace A Chance generations. The disillusionism following the end of the VietNam war was deep… Read More
Geez I returned to Wastebook, I guess I have to start over, it's against my better judgement but my better judgement was never very good! Without Wastebook I get next to nothing coming in on the pc. Stu Mead will return a message on the email but my son Peter not as… Read More