Welcome to the new home for Frank Gaard's online gallery and blog.
Welcome to FrankGaard.com
But Alexander Pope I hate you slowly,(with a slow burning vengence ) with no good reason other than jealousy of your rhymes! And your wisdoms your insights your poesies your greatness become a world of unhoneyed rhyme. I remember Bernie Van Marm and I climbing high into these giant trees in… Read More
I asked Darsi Alexander for an exhibition at Walker and she's going to do it. Which is very happy outcome and I think people will get an eyeful and it maybe can set things straight about my art . Some art does have a bite, the world is still a very inhospitable place for art too close to truth.… Read More
The thing I imagine about a detective story is writing it spontaeously so the writer doesn't know where s/he is going. This is oddly how I make art sort of out of thin air, from nothing to something. But the analogy to detective yarns goes further I like my art to be puzzling and intriguing as… Read More