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Yves Klein the work does seem of a different time with different criteria that we use now. It's that proud progressive modernity that was served up to us in the mid-1950's. Modernism is good for you your town ought to have an art center where you could see modern European art and new… Read More
These creepy guys in Navy blue sports coats caught my attention outside the Walker Cinema where the curators were giving a presentation about Yves Klein I saw at least three of these cats and they had on this little red thing around their necks that is a badge meaning they are… Read More
Whoa! Republicans on the verge of congressional majorities, scary monsters our Taliban. GOP platform military build-up and cut taxes for the corporate buddies who help us scare the populace about those FDR loving Liberal Demon-crats! So as a result of this election we are apt to have a… Read More
At Walker yesterday, Yves Klein exhibition next in main temporary exhibition galleries 4,5,and 6 in Barnes Tower.
Stay tuned for reports on IKB and other related topics. As to the void it's always there always available the void is the one thing you need to get it on… Read More