Welcome to the new home for Frank Gaard's online gallery and blog.
Welcome to FrankGaard.com
Shinders bookshop, news stand on 7th was the first place I'd stop downtown Minneapolis, one of the few places in town that got the New York Times for us news freaks in 1970's. They had tons of magazine titles and books on Kabbalah -astrology everything, it was a free speech shop. I bought most… Read More
Time is a sure poison no matter how you live you do succumb to it's relentless wear on your being, At first it's charming to be young looking at photos of your child self but always heading for your destiny of nonexistence which mommies never talk much about, every baby has to die one day and… Read More
Greetings art lovers - Blogging ain't easy, uh huh uh huh. Art at best is easy as pie indeed these days it might be the pie. I remember the first time I saw the films of the liberation of the concentration camps in newsreels at the neighborhood cinema.It was like looking at the human condition… Read More
Deliver me to history, I studied a lot of art history a sort of side effect of becoming a professional fine artist. I admit I slept through some classes on abstract art but otherwise I know a bit. Which brings me to Victorine Meurent a woman who modeled for Manet's most significant works whose… Read More
Airstrikes over Libya, Andy Warhol's 15 minutes of fame statement should be corrected to reflect new time measurements of fame. A nanosecond celebrity standard, some come and go pretty quickly. And that's the only way it can be in a world such as ours, a world always in a hurry calling to say… Read More