Welcome to FrankGaard.com

Welcome to the new home for Frank Gaard's online gallery and blog.



 Yo Yo - I used to tell my kids stories. Indeed I sometimes wonder if that isn't the same thing I do when I teach or speak in public.

 my form of address is whomever deigns to listen, to hear me wander about in my files, my obsessions, my conceits.  It was only in

 this talking about… Read More


 I was given TO PHILOSOPHICAL  ideas and day dreaming as a child. My mother encouraged me to be me which I found very helpful along life's way. My father used to call me the professor even when I was in grade school. Sort of disparaging name as in the famous film The Blue Angel where "the… Read More


  Babyface is a blessing and a bit of a curse. Indeed the whole idea of good looking people having a leg up in the workplace. When I first taught at the art college I was 24 years old and looking much younger than that, my sense of things was my destiny was with the students, since the core… Read More


 Suffice it to say your blogger Herr Franz Lars Gaard nee Kivala - Prince of Finland has a bit of gout one might say a terminal affliction chronic at best he never seems to get ill he is rather instead ill in many different ways. Starting with his sick mind where someone turned up the color on… Read More


 The portrait of Khadra painted by my spouse Pamela has inspired me lately. It's painted using a technique by which the tan paper becomes the color of the model's skin. It's Asian in practice but  Lautrec copied it the technique in both lithography and painting. It lends a theatre like mood to a… Read More