

Friends Romans Countrymen Lend Me Your Ears?

Image of Author at James Hayward's exhibition Stations of The Cross.



Thinking about the idea that everything is performance ie. performance Art The idea kept me awake last night.

 Thanks Remembering Max Gaard performing at the Red Sea as Street Legal .on the West Bank. Boy could he dance!

 Pamela and I were over the moon those days

Pam was… Read More


Thinking about Mike Kelley and James Hayward also Ken Feingold at art school in Minneapolis in the mid 1980’s when we started a performance art class at MCAD. This was about the time when Kelley was hired to teach at the school he was an artist from Detroit based in Los Angeles had been a… Read More


testing testing - The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. Had this been an actual blog 

you would have already known that this is the future past. Blogs have no editors editors are critical

to true texts. I find it difficult to be my own editor.

The future is… Read More

Phto of the artist James Hayward in Minneapolis last month.

James Hayward was in Minneapolis last month for the opening of his… Read More