Welcome to the new home for Frank Gaard's online gallery and blog.
Welcome to FrankGaard.com
Thes photos by Andy Baird were taken in 1977 at Jim Dewitt's studio on 38th Street just off Nicollet Avenue in Minneapolis. Ed Rath with silkscreen stencil for Artpolice logo designed by his brother Johnny Rath. Photo of Chris Woodward and another of Fritz Wolfmeyer looking at the then brand… Read More
Man Bag was a zine project that Stu Mead and I brought out at the very end of the Artpolicecomics run. Artpolice was a drawing zine and it had a very diverse content and many contributors. The regular crew changed over the years and included many one shots by artists we came to know. Over 20… Read More
Stu Mead and I sort of tumbled in together in the late days of The Artpolice Comics when he was killing it nearly every issue finally a talent worthy of our ArtpoliceComics legends ( Ed Rath, Chris Woodward Joe McDonnell Andy Baird and the late Fritz Wolfmeyer). Stu Mead recreated the Artpolice… Read More
1. First picture - "Mondrian's Snowshovel in The Villa of Mysteries" 1984 - oil on canvas 2. "A Map of the History of My Career on Panties" 1996 acrylic on canvas 3. Swan on VW Hubcap - after 2000 acrylic on ,laser print on hubcap.
Start Here - Way out west of the Mississippi River (A… Read More
When I was a kid the hot summers in Chicago were something to be reckoned with very little air condidtioning outside of theaters and drug stores and bars. Indeed the time spent in the theater on weekends was often the coolest time of the week. I can remember reading MAD Magazine in the drug… Read More