Welcome to FrankGaard.com

Welcome to the new home for Frank Gaard's online gallery and blog.



Some portraits old and new ,differenty and similar. end pic blog

Pics in order - 1.David B & Iman 2016, 2.Two Pete D. (with Pam Gaard) 2016, 3. Robyne Robinson portrait some years ago when she was still on Fox - News TC. 4. My son Sam Gaard at MFA (in Boston) with portrait of Victorine… Read More


 The land of the Bungalows and the home of the hot dish.  I'm a fish out of water . I left Chicago because it was too violent and too wild for my sanity. Too over done bursting with vulgar energy and ambition. Fat City your name is Chicago. The School of The Art Institute of Chicago where I… Read More


 The portrait of Ms Kate Worum and her photo of me in the studio the day I painted her.. Second Jpg. screen capture from promotional notice about book (Stu Mead my Man Bag partner is the subject of a new book about his art  produced  in Berlin). While the text excerpt is odd the bibiliography is… Read More


Bi-Polar portraits was how I named the portraits in the mid-1980's when they began.

 All portraits on paper same paper BFK Rives  41 X 29.5 "  acrylics graphite (some with collage)

 Interested in Manet to begin with his portraits of Victorine Meurent

 influenced by Peter Saul… Read More


The politician says we need more welders and fewer philosophers. I say we need more philosophers and more robot welders. Philosophy is not so difficult as people suppose. My father was a very philosophical man though he only had a third grade education (the requirement for immigrants in the late… Read More