

1. Up late the usual early morning trip darkest nights of winter. 2.  Cold went for walk to bank to check balance in checking account and get some cash, cold but above freezing conditions not great was very careful with my walker. 3. Got email from Chris Karcher a friend of mine who… Read More


Still trying to figure out this process.

1. This is the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas in 1963. I was a first year fine art student then at the School of The Art Institute of Chicago. When I heard he was murdered I said to my friend Margaret McKenna - I bet Jackie… Read More


Estranged from nearly everyone to some degree, alone . Do you prefer death by a single stroke or by a thousand small cuts?

1. The Day of the Dead is fast passing 10:36 P.M. C.S.T.  Never learned Spanish though I tried lived in a neighborhood in Chicago

that became Mexican. Tried… Read More


Today walked to UPS store with Joe Woodside. Talked with Joe Zucker on the telephone a week ago Friday  And the Saturday before that I saw Peter Saul at The Minneapolis Institute of Art for the first time in 50 years. I introduced my spouse Pamela to Peter at the institute, I had a couple of… Read More


Rainy Monday night in Southwest Minneapolis and I was going to write something and then I thought I just felt unwell from my neuropathy which has been worse lately. The condition arises from my nerve damage when I suffered my fall last year and broke my neck and both wrists. The surgeon said it… Read More