Sold, lock stock and barrel


Immortalty is in short supply.,I remember something in Dorothy Parker regards the world having become less than it had been. It's population sure but it's also how genius seems less the case, the search engine makes us all such smarties. And at the same time we don't look as deep, maybe deep has lost itself? Women used to say they were looking for a deeper man, that just anyone will not do, he's got to be a sort of trophyman, when your ladyfriends meet him they growl like Eartha Kit, it's as if in the late 1950's the criterion changed. He's a philosophy professor at the University of Chicago who listens to Delta Blues. Women's desires become all the more important as reading kicks in as the hot new leisure activity. when Salinger died it was as if a new chapel was being erected to escape as the reward for art of adolescent kvetching. Oh love oh inconvient passion spare me your attachments , let me just roll along.

 When we were kids we didn't have a clue to what Kapitalism was but damn we knew what the commies were up too, the cradle to grave gang who we were fighting in Korea, the Chinese Menace,oi,we were going to have to give up Wall Street for peace. No more fancy clothes and no more operas! More later