A young man was pleading with me for sex in art school. As if I had it, sex that is. My strange adventures in the Land of Hebrew Princesses and Human doormats begins with Miss Jaffe my 8th grade teacher who though she was a Jew her hair was bright red like fire. She was rather voluptuous though not fat just very womanly and she dressed a bit young and slutty ( but that maybe why I am not objective that is my crush on her) On preference for Jewish women - like a biblical curse you get want you desire now live with it . I tried a Catholic wife but she was shall we say generous in sexual area everyone seems to have had some. But maybe this is some Roman Catholic version of faithful <?> So getting back to Miss Jaffe I liked her liking me thinking I was smart and creative. The thing is the hot woman, it's the first encounter, compared to 14 year old girls Judy Jaffe is Love Goddess. And that she was very pro-Frankie I appreciated very much. And her sensuality her costumes and shoes man she was on the make, after work she'd find some company.
Most of the time sex was on my mind in some form, it's the issue of subject how something else would have been more profitable. Then again who says what's what? In some ways sexual content is most interesting to most people compared to most more routine things as in which would you prefer 1. to wash the dog or 2. get fellatio from a circus clown? Believe me decisions are laced through our days! The whole process of discernment is suspect but the rabble, the no deficit Tea-Baggers and the Cheney-ites.. and lies multiplied by Supreme Court decision that lets the corporate money speak with no restraint money money money!!!XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX So I say row your boat merrily down the stream. But how much of our sex is fantasy? And how much actual sex is unhooked from reality? And what do we make of love and sacrifice? What thrilled me about Miss Jaffe was her sensuality her femaleness her affection for me and her difference that she was exotic. She wasn't a little Christain librarian - a lil' white virgin who makes us do our assignments over!This continues on other side of this record - Where in heaven Frankie meets up with Ms Jaffe and they have something to eat .Pastrami on caraway rye with brown mustard and a sour pickle.