Woke up hearing report that 20,000,000 people were homeless after huge storms flooded huge areas of Pakistan. It's so sad but of course Pakistan has Nukes ready to go after the menacing Indians . Now the Taliban have become temporary humanitarians helping the survivors , one report says this catastrophe may push Pakistan into the category of failed states , as in failed state with nukes and Taliban still out and about.
You think more about dying the older you get, it's not all bad either it makes you prioritize and it makes you more reflective, more of a daydreamer. And daydreaming is a kind of thinking like thinking on a looser basis. Which in turn maybe why daydreams can be very inspirational. The sort of low-grade thinking has a use in plowing through all the various possible options. An inspiration can come out of thin air safe that it's been bouncing around in your brain for months. Also the daydream like the actual sleeper's dream does take us away or at least provides some sort of transport to some other place that resembles this place our familiar setting but also exhibits some curious oddness. The gallerist who would hardly talk with you is suddenly asking what you are up to (obviously a dream) but in the daydream we bargain with our heart's desire, we try not to lose the illusion of change of progress but it slips away.
The way Wittgenstein thought about death was the simple idea - that death exists outside of life, indeed it is not an event in life (from the viewpoint of the dying person or from the point of view of philosophy). The talk about the metaphysics surrounding death and dying also is meaningless as the words expression do not make sense not as natural science makes sense. After all why would we want to exist forever, what possible thing would we do? And I might add so many are already so bored in this actual life. It's sort of a zombie nightmare this eternal life , and maybe it appeals like all fairy tales to the fears we have at our vanishing? Art persists in a myriad ways when someone says they love something you've made it does make you wonder if art isn't a reminder of the things that are saved are loved like books and records. The saving is crucial to history to having a sense of what has vanished. But art takes a beating from the passage of time, after all nothing lasts forever! I got some large paintings back that I had stored in friend's garage for 10 years, I was surprised how good they looked ,really fine. I guess oil on canvas is very stable. I was pleased as you hate to lose these big ones (9 X 5.5 feet) and I still like them too that is surprising. Saved for future opinions.