On the radio (KFAI art matters) with Shoebox gallerist & artist video


The radio studio was stuffy and warm but otherwise comfortable as if you were in North Afrikan indie radio station. So I was trying my best but my microphone technique was poor. And I was getting excited at times, you know 16 years after the demise of Artpolice it's suddenly cheese? It's this vampyr craze everything brought back to life, a sort of Zombie Art World.  The dead sell well. I have been having yet another bout with gout which gout always wins. But this little opening at Sean Smuda's place was impossible without feet. Besides openings are no fun, on Lake Street and Chicago jesus older folks only go there for shoes @ Robert's Shoes @ midday, but's the gout makes you really unhappy pain is killing our species and reproduction seems unhealthy for mother earth, mountains of Pamper Diapers  throughout the rain forests of Brazil, eventually. So BP is going for an end game with their piggy mess in the Gulf of Mexico, it;s bullshit they are trying to stop oil for share price not to help clean-up. You watch BP shares on Monday if they can stop the leak.Corporations only do what is in the interest of making profits. The pr and advertising are propoganda , lies in little suits. Trust me ? No more deep ocean drilling . The ocean can die, a big piece at a time. This is not democratic that a corporation can reek such havoc upon our waters and shores and then BOAST OF HIRING LOCALS FOR THE CLEAN-UP! It seems sometimes that our development model is not survivable for us much less the world. Art could help with all the despair and sadness but it's not art's function to be a sort of medicine. I've thinking about misunderstandings just plain fiction in news coverage where each time some piece or bit a project reapppeared it's as if the history needs to be written again,wit must be served. But still Artpolice had some sweet times, getting a big issue published as an MAEP  show that was a coup, it was also our first big mailng in US and elsewise. 3000 copies then in 1979 now scarce. I remember a conversation with Kathy Halbreich and Liz Armstrong; it was about the late reception as in artists whose discovery comes later in life. Marcel Duchamp was sort of a late reception for the larger art scene it took a while to see how significant he was. Some artists and professionals knew full well how important Duchamp's work was to post modernism, indeed is this guide to this destination. And it was'nt just Duchamp it was Mondrian and the entire upheavel of modern art that begat it's post version, after all it's really a critique of modernism as much as a praising moderns. These artist giants of the early 20th century were pioneers we are the settlers the interpretation of modernism and how it is really so very different than post modernism, post modernism is self aware, it posits the being as the center things become meanings and then arguements about meanings. The late Mssr Baudrillard wrote that he who believes in meaning dies by meaning which I may only glimpse the meaning save that life is more than it's meanings. It's a sort primal scream sort of philosophy, I wish more intellectuals were on tv here in the usa , we look like such utter bumpkins on network tv, when will things get serious? Or is it just for the moment we live? (lyric from Alfie film 1964<?>) Michael Caine