New pc better WORD oi, the power of coherence . I wanted to tell some curator stories since I've been under scrutiny for some time by these exhibition makers. Remember one's encounters with curators, art writers are brief by the nature of things, They travel it's the perk of the curator and the bane (more on that later) they see a lot of art more than I would ever want to see . My first memories of curators are from late 1960's in Chicago , an annual Chicago Show became a sort of coming out for the artist's group " Hairy Who " which it was but it was also where Walter Hopps first made acquaintence with my art (in same show, he was juror as was Lawrence Alloway). The curator then for 20th century art was A.James Speyer and he was truely an eye a super eye.. I complained about my installation and he had me over to his office . I saw him only one other time coming into 420 W. Broadway in SoHo with a full head of steam and the Art Institute of Chicago checkbook in his vest. These curator stories are like cowboy stories a genre not for all tastes. Insert Joe Zucker quote - Hairy Who is a pit stop in the history of art. Whatever the next story is more complicated and has even less meaning. A Dutch curator working at Walker Art Center moves to Chicago to run Museum of Contemporary art....He buys my best piece for extra cheap and treats me like , I'm just a bet a little $75.00 bet in 1967 . This guy I liked but I'll leave out his name because he might be dead. Most of the cats in the front of the list are deceased. Walter Hopps was very helpful and supportive the very clearly artist centered curator. And he was loyal to his vision. Anyway it's a hard write as curators do very creative work making exhibitions and writing some curators are very fine writers. Hopps was able to create a vibrant scene around Ferus Gallery and the Malibu lifestyles, Yves Klein came out to Malibu in those days. Hopps put Marcel Duchamp in the middle of everything at the Pasadena Museum of Art in 1963. The maestro played chess with a nude woman. Duchamp and Yves Klein later made their entrance through LA rather than New York. New York was busy with minimalism and beyond. Hopps loved Duchamp as it should be between artist and exhibition makers.
Jpg - Pamela Burning with Love 2011 and wall slice
Chapter 2 in preparation