Blog - Walter Hopps was on the phone Artpolice subText


 Of course that was mid 1970's the talking with Dr Hopps. Correspondence between us is in Smithsonian Files  from National Gallery - a slim manila posterity with me and the man who loved Marcel Duchamp's art so much - Hopps did the first American one person show of Duchamp at Pasadena Museum of Art . Hopps started Ferus Gallery in Los Angeles on the beach in Venice district. Showed the big kahunas Robert Irwin the fetish finish artists including John McCracken whose shiny planks in so many colors .. Anyway I got hooked up with some people who were on juries and through artists the painter Sam Gilliam helped me get back in touch with Hopps. He was trying to get me into a Paris Biennale for artists under 30. It didn 't pan out but he was always a help his character and his love of art. I also think he was very discerning and as an artist what I need from any curator is discernment. But he was very treat very in the world alot of criticism puts down the old LA art world. but the people there gave artists a hearing(witnee LA reception for Yves Klein)whereas NY in 1963 was pretty bleak as far as career opportunities for artists who were'nt New York abstract expressionists in some long series iterations. For me the thing is that I admired Walter Hopps for the things he'd done with Duchamp with the California arts becoming big success. He worked and succeeded in Texas and in recent art history he's like the Lone Ranger last of a breed. I'm sad he is gone from this world because he was just an artist at his craft.

Part 2. Well the snow continues today as rain followed by ice and rain then sleet and finally as the temperatures  plummet snow.  his story my oft remembered history of myself from a boy's eye view

his story was a newsletter inserted into the Artpolicecomics as a supplement hence the numbering was different often incorrect! I was ill for the first 3 years of Artpolice back and forth to psych hospital so for me his story was like another take on how Artpolice could have been made, it was an alternative to an alternative.But it was within the Artpolice Journal it was interesting. The bang for the Artpolice Buck has been quite considerable as has it downsides like my fucking job! And may I add quite a few teeth and my boyish figure. God Bless Wittgenstein and the other -------stein who brought the dead back to life.  

Yo I'll find the flow.