

I was just finished with grad school when my first son was born, they called when I was working the night shift at the Oakland Post Office. Peter was born around 7 in the am.  When he got older he'd say he kept me out of the war as if that was reason number one for his existing. I beat the… Read More


In Cody Books in Berkeley you could buy little books written by the Viet Cong these publications were intended to find new comrades and cadre. I remember by friend Steve (special forces) saying that these books were all propaganda and I thought this freedom of the press is a great concept.… Read More


Hey Put The Pants in The Hole!!


Immortalty is in short supply.,I remember something in Dorothy Parker regards the world having become less than it had been. It's population sure but it's also how genius seems less the case, the search engine makes us all such smarties. And at the same time we don't look as deep, maybe deep has… Read More


Wittgenstein created a logic that was precise and clean. Subjective content was not part of an equation which gave us modernity, trains running on time and the gramaphone, infinitely repeatable music and speech. Caruso in your own home. Wittgenstein understood the necessity of a modern logic by… Read More