Yves Klein from Nice @ Nice Art Center


  These creepy guys in Navy blue sports coats caught my attention outside the Walker Cinema where the curators were giving a presentation about Yves Klein I saw at least three of these cats and they had on this little red thing around their necks that is a badge meaning they are Rosicrueans, members of the Order of The Rosy Cross. Yves Klein had been in this order and was married in their ritual with swords drawn. They actual order of the Rosy Cross were a few centuries back and they were one of the groups that introduced Kabbalah and it's mysteries to the Christian church and unto the religio-mysterius Psychologicus dialog. Why Yves KLein was in the sect I don't know but I suspect it was the outfits and the really bizarre wedding ceremonies ( they wore hats like on Napoleon or ancient sailor hats) . But really the cats at the Walker seemed very un-mystical as if now Rosecrucianism is just another sect that raises money to educate us all to the incredible strangenesses they explore or used to explore. Klein I think liked to get dressed up after haute couture comes from Paris. He's from Nice which to most of us is paradise, he's happy at the beach where he grew up. When he visited the states he stayed in Malibu for 6 weeks on the beach in 1960. A photo of him shows a very happy man on the beach (near Deadman's Curve on Pacific Coast Highway) . I saw Philippe Vergne at the door of the presentation. A lot of the talking was done by Daniel Moquay,the head of the Yves Klein Archives his talking was very anecdotal like very much a sort of verbal hagiography of Klein or St.Yves. At times it was illuminating and at other times confused or just like pointless which is history at it's worse is.  Oddly this elderly gent was married to Yves Klein's widow Rotraut Uecker who was a stunning beauty when she was with Klein in her youth, I mean very chic very mysteriously beautiful. Now she's with her late husband's story teller (archivist keeper of the flame). 

 The blue IKB is a star attraction in this exhibition  it's pervasive like a weed which you can't get rid of only here it's pleasure waves of gentle blue, French blue that sinks into the surface of the canvas and leaves a grainy residue upon the blue surface all blue Ultramarine and Cobalt blue and time since it was painted 50 years ago or more. And still so modern so chic so classic as if to say dare you to out do me at this game. Reports will follow - FIN -