Mary Abbe ,Betsy Carpenter , Strib photo, WAC registrar, my wife Pam two dogs and me.


  The much dreaded art writer for the Minneapolis StarTribune visited my place today and I'm alive to write about it.

  Actually now that we are both quite old I suspect we are able to tolerant one another. Though my friends in New

  York have nothing good to say about Mary!! But it's like in a 12 Step Program change what you can and know

 what you can't change ie. final outcomes.  If I ran the schools the sign on the wall would say --

 Drinking Alcohol KILLS BRAIN CELLS .   

The first photo is Philippe Vergne at WALKER ART CENTER with my painted sign

 which says - I love the fucking Walker.   2. Photo /2 your 1, most likely My Endorsement as a great artist from Jackson Pollock.

 I feel like a specimen, artist claims to be fabulous awaits jury and sandwiches. Today I thought Francis Bacon and I in

 Chicago 1966 at Velvet Underground show, with Claus Oldenburg's dad who was Swedish Ambassador(buying the cocktails) .

Anyway Francis Bacon

wants to go throw up someplace , when he's done he says" Frankie keep making  those Fabulous Portraits !" that's

 Francis Bacon speaking.  I use occult methods, I channel portraits, you'll see (har har har ). I'm ok I just need to phone home