Desktop Wallpaper Philosophy


  Gout my old friend gout a symptom of the season. Not a malaise a walker and biker expects later in life? But eating regular;access to food creates different outcomes, security and a bit o'lard. So be even Picasso was a bit of a tub and Matisse was huge. Rothko big as a truck! I could go on, history tells us that gout is a disease of the eaters not the starving. Off course this food followed severall years of scarce food. food shelf food art for food food. And girls buying me lunch or sometimes just some food in a bag from Kowalskis at a portrait sitting.  Julie brought Finnish specialties her mother mader sausages and pasties oi, at sittings . I'm including a portrait of Julie that is my fave  she owns it. She was always a good model good outfits her face was expressive and abstract. I did a great many portraits and I wonder how many are really going to survive? Then again I like to do it I just always look for a new take like a director I want to stay fresh. The portrait of Julie Hill on the Walker Art Center  web site is misslabeled as Emily Carter odd mistake now multiplied by appearing on Calendar where portrait of Emily Carter is labeled Julie Hill!! Does this happen to non-bi-polar peeps? These two writers poets what ever forever. They were comrades along with several other co-conspirators (scribblers and musicians) - so gout is very painful and pain can be managed but not completely. Recommending film -

The Saddest Music in the World    Guy Maddin dir.     Very tastie got on sale at Blockbusters some time recently.

 My son PgX claims that Lou Reed LP with Metallica is dreck! Honestly what am I to believe ?

 So they number 2 son due tomorrow no1 son is dissappointed that I was sick with gout on Thanksgiving Friday oh. So the gout it comes and goes. And you are always hearing yourself with a Jamaican accent on the set of The Frankie Gaard Story with a cast of thousands ,whoops lost my place. So happy arting to all and to all a good night. Frankie Gaard Guy Maddin Fan Club